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The STEMM Academy is an all day, grades 7-12 program for students in Scranton, PA located in Scranton High School.
There is an application process as space is limited. The program will be accepting students entering 7th grade for the 2024-2025 school year.
The deadline to apply is Friday, February 16th, 2024.
Students in grades 7 & 8 who live outside the 1.5 mile radius of the school are eligible to receive transportation.
Students in grades 7 & 8 participate in sports/ after school activities at their home school (NSIS, SSIS, and WSIS).
The STEMM Academy also offers after school clubs and activities exclusively for students in the program at Scranton High School.
Frequently Asked Questions
What space will be used? This Academy will be at Scranton High School.
Is this budgeted for grades 7-12? Both renovation phases have already been approved by the school board. The business office is also aware of the projected annual costs of this program.
Who will run the academy? The STEM Program Supervisor in coordination with the Building Principal.
Will there be an Honor Society? Yes
Will students take the PSSA? Yes, students will participate in all achievement tests.
Will students receive language? Students will have the opportunity to take a foreign language starting in 9th grade.
Can these electives be taken by juniors and seniors outside of the STEMM Academy? These courses and electives are exclusively for students enrolled in the STEMM Academy.
What will the curriculum be? The core classes' content will remain the same, however the way content is delivered will be different.
How will students arrive? Students when they arrive will go directly to the STEMM Academy flexible learning space.
How are students dismissed and sent to lunch? There will be a slight modification to the schedule between students for dismissal and lunch.
When will project based assignments be done as part of the application process? Project based assignments will be completed at the STEMM Academy during the school day. Transportation from their SSD home school and back will be provided, non-public school students will have an assigned time for that same evening.
How will parents be notified their student was accepted? Parents will be notified their student was accepted via email and a copy of their acceptance letter will be mailed to the student's home address.
How will students interact with their intermediate school peers? Students will have a similar experience in our program as they currently do in their home schools. For example, while it is in a smaller setting, they will still be switching classes and intermingling with their grade level peers.
How many students are projected per grade? There would be 60 students per grade level at max enrollment.
Would students be granted their spot each year? If students continue to meet the program's expectations, their spot will be reserved.
Do students need to reapply yearly? No, once they are accepted their spot is reserved.
How does this integrate when students are Juniors and Seniors? Students as they enter 9th grade will be able to select a pathway in either engineering, computer science, or medical. They will then move in and out of the STEMM Academy as needed to complete their course work, not all courses would be in the STEMM Academy.
Will students receive a graduation certificate? We will be discussing a way to signify their achievements with their diploma.
What happens if my child starts the program and decides they don’t want to continue? Students who learn that this program is not for them, will be able to return to their homeschool. This decision would be final and re-entry into the program would not be possible. Students who want to re-enter the program after choosing to leave, would need to reapply the following year if eligible.
How rigorous will this be for Students in 7th and 8th grade? This program is a combination of exploratory related arts utilizing cross-curricular concepts, along with rigorous content in their core classes.
How will transportation work? Students is 7th and 8th grade enrolled in the STEMM Academy, that live more than 1.5 miles from Scranton High School will be eligible for transportation.
How will acceptance be equatable among schools? Once the application process is completed, students will be ranked per building, with each intermediate school (including non-public schools) having a reserved number of spots that can be filled. Once filled, the remaining students will be ranked on one list to fill any remaining spots. Finally, a wait list will be created with the remaining applicants.
Will they still be allowed to participate in dual enrollment/ AP courses in high school? Yes, if students meet the requirements for entry into those courses.
What time frame do you hope to contact those individuals who meet the requirements for the academy and what time frame will they have to respond to the acceptance? Families will be notified approximately 3-4 weeks after all parts of the application process have been completed and until the final number of applicants is determined, an exact date is not possible at this time. Included in the notification would be the deadline to respond.
What spirit ware can a STEMM Academy student wear? Students enrolled in the STEMM Academy can wear their SSD homeschool, Scranton High School, or STEMM Academy spirit wear to school.